Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fill My Family With Christ

Christmas time is a good time for me to share Christ with others. It's a time I can be an example in my home with my decorations, most of all with my actions. Dear Heavenly Father, fill my family with Christ, use me for your teachings. May my family hear your inward call for them to come to You, everyday by using me.

Our family shares Christmas hospitality, we rotate between homes for our family gatherings during Christmas time. This year it is at my home, I have asked for it to be on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day. I have invited my Dad and my Mom, and my sisters and brothers and all their children, to come to our home church this Christmas Eve. After church I will have soup in my crock pot and hot warm bread for them when they come over. We will eat dinner and Christmas desserts, and play games, while we enjoy each other.

Eagerly I want them all to come to my home church, "Grace Church", I know my sinful nature will be sad and resentful if they do not attend. This morning I am preparing myself to pray for wisdom, and for Jesus to keep teaching me in my heart, and for the Holy Spirit to give me power to be the example God wants me to be, to fill my family with Christ. I am praying for myself to keep calm, and happy. I must remember if it is God's will they will come to church.

I see things different than some of my family, I'm not better than they are, I just see going to church with Grandma and Grandpa, could be the last time, or all the Aunts and Uncles and cousins, could be a joyful time to praise and worship God. My heart's desire wants this to happen to make it a special and unique Christmas Eve. I tried to explain that to one sister, but she kept saying do not get your hopes up.

Which made me think of our family verse of this year "2009" is Romans 5:5 "Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."

I found a website that said I can make my own Christmas cards for free and only pay shipping of $3.50, since I'm trying to be frugal with our money, I thought this would be a great thing. I put Romans 5:5 on our Christmas cards, this wonderful verse that shows the Holy Spirit is living in our hearts, and God will never disappoint us.

Whoever believes will be saved, may I never neglect the larger scope for God's plan.
May I lavishly serve, show, and share others the gospel this Christmas Eve. Fill my family with Christ.

Bloom for the KING!

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