I thought this hydrangea in my front garden was having trouble blooming, I kept feeding it and probably over watering this perennial plant, but today I know different after learning about the Hydrangea macrophylla, I know now, this sweet plant is called "Lacecap". I read on the web, the Lacecap Hydrangea petals of the flower symbolises the mask of love. Lacecaps with their flat, round flower heads are a great addition to a garden.
If you cut flowers like I do, and put them indoors, submerged them completely in cool water for about an hour and then place in water filled vase. If you do not do this, the flowers quickly wilt. But by conditioning them, they will last for days. If they start to wilt in the vase, submerge them again, and they will revive. I love having arrangements of them in my dining room, especially on Sundays.
Many believe the name Hydrangea, with it origin in the word hydra, means that the plant requires massive amounts of water. Actually, the name was given because the seed capsules look like water pitchers.
What a nice morning learning about Hydrangeas.
Bloom for the KING!