Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Curtains or Camera

For the past two days I have cleaned and ironed my curtains for my living room, bathrooms, and kitchen. They look nice and fresh, for my home. I wish I had a camera to show you. Speaking of a camera....

I have been wanting a camera for some time now, I think wanting must go along with praying for one too. Right now I am going to pray for one.

Dear Lord, there are many things I want for my home, a new front door, new floors, painting indoors, etc., but a camera will bring all the above to life with a different meaning. I can clean, wash and prepare my home for my family and take pictures of my loved ones, and what would I really see? The dirty walls or Laura's cute face?

Lord, you are so wonderful to me to let me be a housewife to stay at home, may I live up to this position, because sometimes I seem to fail at being a mother or fail at giving what my husband needs. I need you every hour, every hour I need Thee.

See how a prayer can become? A new front door, a camera, or what really makes a home? Jesus right in the middle that is what! Jesus, please, today be in the middle of our home and in the middle of our hearts as we start our day. May I have a camera when it's Your timing to have a camera.

In Jesus Name,

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