Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Rugby Game

Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.
~Louisa May Alcott

I stay at home most of the week, so I'm looking forward today to watch James play rugby, while I leave my cozy warm home.

It is a cold wet and windy day, but they still go out and play. James plays for the U19 team today at 11:30AM

He loves this game and has recruited about three of his football friends to join the San Clemente Rugby Club with him the GATORS!

I must go get ready, make some coffee for the ride and wake up hubby.......

Smile for Jesus.


GladToBeMimi said...

Hi Debbie,

Just today, I wrote on my calendar for next week to find out what I need to do to join CCISP (though it probably isn't still called that.) I also thought that I wanted to write a note to the AD and thank him for the mentor the baseball coach was to my eldest. We dont' always get to pick their mentors. And coaches are definitely mentors whether they like it or not. I have seen, especially this last year, what an impact his high school coach had in teaching him to honor God in all that he did, not just being a good sport! My little guy will only be a freshman, so I doubt we'll cross paths, but you never know. Maybe his little 5'7" 95 lb. frame will grow this summer to support the weight of his uniform! People say that he will be broken like a stick on the football field, but I'm not concerned because I pray that his mentor would know if he were too little to play, but the workouts will be good for him!

GladToBeMimi said...

Debbie, where is that pretty window located? In your home?

Queen Bee said...

Hi Marie,
My new picture on my is located at all

I just felt like a picture with an open window and flowers.

As a mother I love to use, "When I see an open window in my children's heart I talk, and talk to them and listen to them.

As a gardener I love flowers, the curves and such beauty God has created.

As a housewife, I love the cozy feel of home and a refuge for my family.

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