Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sorry I've been away

I apologise for being away for so long. I've stopped writing, first of all my eldest son had been very sick in the hospital, he is now doing well and feeling better. Thank You Lord. Secondly, I have been focused on my daughter Laura, getting her ready for college. She is now tucked away in her cute dorm room.

I must get back on track with my plants and with my house work. I am praying about trying to help my husband with college finances and medical bills we recently required. I'm going to start working at home with Malaleuca Products. I'm excited about it, the more I learn I will share with others.

It was very hard for me to let Laura Beth go. I have home schooled her for 13 years. My wish would be for her to stay at home and learn to cook, clean and study God's word, while learning a skill from home. It was very hard for me to let her go.

My third son James, will be a junior this school year, while playing football for Calvary Chapel High School. My prayer is for me to focus on his home school and to prepare him for College.

Thank you Lord for being there with me, please help me to let go of any hurt feelings I felt from Laura Beth and help my sadness to go away because she did not text me back when I said Good Night.

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