Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Resolution

My New Year's resolution will be to loose weight. I have been struggling with my weight for about twenty years. After my daughter was born I gained 40 pounds, then went on "The Jenny Craig Diet". I lost all the 40 pounds of baby fat, but then gained it back and more. After my third and last baby was born I gained even more, went on to "Weight Watchers", lost some of my weight. At "WW" I did learn about portion sizes,and great recipes, good program but not for me. I eventually lost about 20 pounds, but I could not keep off the weight, with my poor eating habits.

This year I'm going to try something different, I'm going to use "The Fast Track Detox Diet" by Ann Louise Gittleman. I have a caffeine addiction and a sugar addiction, which I know both can be very harmful with large intakes. I want and will be prayerfully going through a detox of both.

My first day was January 1st of no coffee in the morning, or at lunch or at my usual time at 4:00PM everyday. A very slight headache at first, but oh the following day was horrible, headaches all day, I had to take three naps during the day. My third day I gave in and had one cup in the morning with organic half and half. I felt much better during that day. Well today is my fourth day, I'm drinking Eleotin tea for my morning cup.

As for results, after eating only meat and salads, eggs and smoothies, I haven't lost much weight and I'm very uncomfortable with muscles aches,not sleeping well, but I'm not going to quit. If I'm going through so much aches and pains while taking in no sugar or coffee or wheat, my liver must be very ill.

My beginning weight is 185 pounds, I'm 5'6 3/4 " tall, I'm 50 years old and showing signs of age in my face. I'm on the road to learn more about how to boost my metabolism and to get rid of the fattening toxins.

I'm going to bloom for The KING! Next step exercise!



Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

Just clicked through from the Mommy Life group. I'm excited for you! It sounds like you're on the right track, especially with the attitude about not quitting. God bless!

GladToBeMimi said...


I'm right there with you! I've been struggling with my weight for 17 years (after Stephen's birth). I know that Jenny Craig isn't for me, nor any of the frozen food plans. We all love to sit down and eat as a family. How weird is that to wait while each other's frozen meal is prepared in the microwave? And WW, it takes me so long to figure out points for things that aren't on their sheets, that I give up!

Now David and Steph are getting married in August, and my 25 year college reunion is in November. I have goals in mind, but I want it to be permanent. My metabolism is shot, and I guess the only thing I can do is exercise! YIKES!

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