Friday, November 28, 2008

He Knows My Name

He knows my name, He made me, He planned my whole life. I did not have a very kind childhood, which someday I will share. Right now in my life, I'm having trouble with some family issues, which are very sad and unkind too. But I have hope.

While doing the dishes this morning, I had a wonderful thought, I'm sure from my Creator, who loves me. If God helped me through my childhood troubles, and answered some of my childhood prayers, then He can do it for me again as an adult. I must remember to have faith and to remember He knows my name. I must be patient, kind, gentle and relaxed among others and to keep helping my church with dinners, with my scrapbooking etc.

I must remember He knows my name!

In Christ Alone,


GladToBeMimi said...

Hi Debbie! It was good to see Daniel tonight. I have been praying for him so much, and to actually see him in the flesh warmed my heart. I missed you though. I had hoped that you would stop by, even if only for a little while. God bless, my precious friend. I'm praying for you!

Anonymous said...

To my dear friend. I cant tell you how often I have thought of you over the years. Ive lost all of your contact information some how but am so happy to have been giving this link. Your blogs are beautiful and your faith continues to shine as I remember it. God truly is amazing and what a blessing it is for me to read how you remain focused on Him during trying times! It seems you are hurting right now and my heart goes out to you. Continue to trust in Him like I know you will.

I love you and the memories we share. Today, I am putting up the Christmas ornament you gave me years ago! I was so amazed to see pictures of Daniel at Maries party, i just had to ask about you. I wish we could be in contact with each other again. Please email me when you get the opportunity.

With much love and hugs, Kookie

Queen Bee said...

Dear Marie and Kookie,
Thank you so much for the comments. Yes, I have been hurting, maybe that is why I can't come over right now and see so many people at once. I want to cry in your arms, Marie, you have always blessed my heart with God's love. I would love to come over some time and just pray.
When Daniel was sick in the hospital you sent him a card, it was the only one he kept putting up and reading it over and over. Whenever there is a Stout party he wants to go, he must feel God's love and remembers his innocence. My heart hurts because he struggles, my heart hurts because his best friend died and Daniel misses him so much. My heart hurts because Daniel can not find his way at school or work. At 23 years old he is still at home. He has so much to offer God's world.
Slowly God is working, in him. Our Pastor has come to Daniel's side a few times one on one discipleship and Daniel seems to grow with those meetings.
I seem to grow as well through all this yearning of God to set us free.
If it weren't for Daniel I would not have home schooled and I would not have met you both.
Marie, my love you have put love in the French family home's so many times. With Laura she will never forget Keepers at home and with Daniel, he always comes back to your home. Hopefully next year your son will play football with James.
And Dearest Kookie, my goodness what a blessing to hear from you. You have always been in my heart as well from team teaching many many years ago. Daniel brought us together on that too.
Yes,my heart is aching but for earthly things to go perfect with my son. My heart should ache more for my Father's World to know Him.
For me to live for Him and to take care of my family with love, and to love my friends with all my heart as I do you two.
In Christ Alone, I live for HIM.

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