Those who keep their physical house in order keep their spiritual houses in order. Don Aslett
Christmas 2009
Down to the River
In Christ Alone
Pleasant Words
Make yourselves a nest of pleasant thoughts, bright fancies, faithful sayings; treasure-houses of precious restful thoughts, which care cannot disturb nor poverty take away from you, houses built without hands for your souls to live in. ~John Ruskin
Queen Bee
Thank God, O women, for the quietude of your home, and that you are queen in it.
I come to my Creator, Just as I am. I'm a housewife and a mother of three. I love to homeschool, garden, cook and clean for my family. My heart's prayer is for my children to love God with all their hearts, soul and minds. I come to my Lord just as I am, just as He created me to be. He chose me to Bloom for HIM. I must blossom for my King!
Light and Bright
Sunflowers always face the sun, May I always face "THE SON"