Thursday, January 24, 2008


I'm putting together a scrap book for my daughter Laura Beth for her high school graduation. I did the same thing for my eldest son, Daniel. In honor of the 18 years God has given to us.
She was born February 15, 1990, and I'm only on the year 1997! My time doing this has been fun and I'm trying to be creative with each two page. Each year I have a two page layout, so I can have all 18 years in one photo album. I just finished Keepers at home, wonderful happy times.
I will keep you posted on my progress. Also, my mother and I are working on a quilt for Laura Beth's surprise. We are embroidering sunflowers and we will put on one square her Graduation Date. 2008!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Economics in One Lesson

I'm going to read this book. I'm looking forward to learning more about what is going on in our world. I will discuss this book periodically. Read, think and learn!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


There is something about this word, that brings me to a soft spot in time. Just saying the word brings a calm and serine feeling. I do not know if anyone reads my blog, but just in case. "Peace be with You"
Debbie AKA Queen Bee the BusyBee

Thursday, January 3, 2008

God's Promises

My pastor sent us an article by Sinclair Ferguson, to read for reflection this week, "Boldly and Expectantly Leaning on the Promises". Here he says there are two places in the New Testament where right living is seen as the direct consequence of trusting God's promises. Writes Paul to the Corinthians: "Since we have these promises...let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit..." (2 Cor. 7:10). The "promises" to which he refers are God's covenant with his people that he will 1) be with them, 2) receive those who "touch no unclean thing," and 3) be a Father to them (2 Cor. 6:16-18). Paul's reasoning is If this is what God promises to be to His holy people, let us make every effort to be such holy people. If these are the riches that await me, let me walk on that path of holiness that leads to them. Here holiness is a direct result of living in the light of the divine promises.

What a great article to start the New Year off with; "May God's promises similarly renew your life. I must resolve to remember, read and rely on God's promises to govern my life-style. He has promised to never leave me, then I must never leave Him either.

I haven't had the easiest year during 2007, and at times I did not handle my situations with a calm composer. Remembering His promises along with knowing the whole contents of how to govern my life-style and knowing His promises will ease my sufferings. I want to live with poise in times of a crisis and pressure like Ferguson said.

These are from my notes on my Pastor's sermon two Sundays ago:
"When you go through trials, keep your mind on Jesus, keep your hope upon the thought Jesus is coming. Anguish will come to an end, and He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. There is HOPE and that one is Jesus He will be your light."

During this Christmas season, I purchased three little ceramic plaques, one says Hope, another Love and another Peace. I put them up above my fire place, I plan to keep them there this whole year of 2008, they will be my reminder to have Hope in His promises and, to Love Jesus while keeping an open communication with Him, which in return will give me Peace of understanding His promises.

Peter writes in a similar vein: "God has given us His very great and precious promise, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires" (2 Peter 1:4)

I must continue to Bloom for my King!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

"I am Special"

For a sweet Christmas present my Mother made me a bookmark with a small cross at one end and a little silver bead that says "Believe". Beautiful small gold beads and amber crystals made with love just for me. She put it in a pretty little box with a note attached.

"While making you this bookmark, I asked our Lord above to bless you as each bead I put on. With His everlasting Love, you can use it in your Bible or any book you're reading. Just remember you are special, Those words are worth repeating. "You are special."

Yes, I am special because I have a special Mother to make me something so dear. I love my Mother. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, MOM I LOVE YOU!

Master Bedroom

I joined "The HomeMaker's Mentor", Mrs. Martha Greene's first lesson for January is: "Detail Cleaning the Master Bedroom".

I'm going to clean our Master Bedroom. It seems so silly at the young age of 49 years old, I leave our precious bedroom last for cleaning or last for decorating. We have been living with white walls for seven years now, while our children's rooms have bright beautiful colors. I guess I never have decided on what color to paint our room. Any suggestions?

A principal bedroom in a home, usually the largest, furnished, and used primarily for sleeping quarters by the husband and wife of the home.

I want to make this room nice for my DH and I. He travels with his job and is always going to nice hotels with clean sheets and a tidy room. I want to make our room even more inviting!

Bloom for our King!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Debra French
There are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Happy New Year!

Last night my darling husband and I went to an Anniversary Renewal of Vows Party. It was wonderful, tears flowing, sincerity spoken between the two couples of love and thankfulness. DH and I holding hands and remembering our vows to each other. After their vows were given and the pastor talked, we had Communion together it was emotional and lovely to bring our Lord in the ceremony. Then we all went to a restaurant "Bob's Kabobs" It was fun and tasty, while a Jazz Musician played Christmas songs and love songs. My dear friend was so happy to share this with others.
Later DH and I came home with our own renewal in our hearts. Love can be blind in another angle; we are in love but blind to show it sometimes. We must continue to love our spouses or our children or our friends, every day with touch, encouraging words and giving of ourselves. Without love we are nothing. It was a wonderful New Years Eve for us. Happy New Year to anyone who reads this. May the Lord bless you as He has done for me.

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