My sweet darling daughter of seventeen years was held up in New York at JFK airport. Her plane was cancelled on route to Nova Scotia. She is visiting some new friends she met at West Coast World Views conference she participated in this past summer. Her new friends the Dickinson's family invited her out for a nice Christmas vacation.
When she called and said her plane was cancelled, I was frighten for her. The attendants told her and us since she is seventeen, therfore she is on her own. They said fifteen years old and up are considered capable of taking care of themselves!
Thankfully my husband an experienced traveller, called the Marriott Hotel, booked her a room and they came especially to pick Laura Beth up and take her to the Marriott Courtyard only seven miles away from the airport. She was calm and her composer very relaxed. I'm the one that was scared and upset with the cancellation.
My husband and I could not sleep very well that night, neither did Laura Beth she said. All is well she had an experience never to forget. She is in Nova Scotia now having a good time and eating Lobster! We have been text messaging everynight.
I am very thankful God protected her and kept her safe from harm.
Laura Beth is blooming for her King into a calm relaxed traveller.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve
"O Holy Spirit, descend plentiful into my Heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams." St. Augustine
I have so much left to do before our special Christmas Eve service and then dinner and all the presents to wrap and I keep thinking about the Christmas cards I did not send out, my house needs cleaning before my twenty-five guests arrive tomorrow. I'm feeling a bit blue and sad. STOP IT!
Help me OH Lord. I need You and to focus on YOU, my HOPE
I have so much left to do before our special Christmas Eve service and then dinner and all the presents to wrap and I keep thinking about the Christmas cards I did not send out, my house needs cleaning before my twenty-five guests arrive tomorrow. I'm feeling a bit blue and sad. STOP IT!
Help me OH Lord. I need You and to focus on YOU, my HOPE
Monday, December 3, 2007
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around my house. I put up a little blue and white tree in my family room, I put Daniel's nutcrackers around the house and Laura's angels are on the piano, and James' nestings are around the house as well. My husband brought home a huge wreath much too big for our front door, but he likes it there. I'm in the mode of decorating and rearranging my furniture. It's a fun time of year. We are going to get our tree, this coming weekend.
Tomorrow, I'm going to our Women's Christmas Party from Church. I'm going to help set up at my new friend's home, her name is Susan. We are going to become members next Sunday in front of the church. I'm so happy about joining Grace Church. I decided not to finish blogging the Westminster Standards, I'll be blogging for a long time. LOL I finished reading the book, that is what counts!
Merry Christmas to you all.
Blossom for our King!
Tomorrow, I'm going to our Women's Christmas Party from Church. I'm going to help set up at my new friend's home, her name is Susan. We are going to become members next Sunday in front of the church. I'm so happy about joining Grace Church. I decided not to finish blogging the Westminster Standards, I'll be blogging for a long time. LOL I finished reading the book, that is what counts!
Merry Christmas to you all.
Blossom for our King!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Of God and of the Holy Trinity
1. There is but one only, living, and true God.
2. God hath all life, He is the alone fountain of all being.
3. In the unity of the Godhead there be three persons, of one substance, power, and eternity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit;the Father is of none, neither begotten, nor proceeding; the son is eternally begotten of the Father; The Holy Spirit eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.
2. God hath all life, He is the alone fountain of all being.
3. In the unity of the Godhead there be three persons, of one substance, power, and eternity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit;the Father is of none, neither begotten, nor proceeding; the son is eternally begotten of the Father; The Holy Spirit eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
After prayerfully waiting one year and three months, my husband and I are going to become members of our church soon. We are reading the "The Westminster Standards". I was going to type it out while I read it and post it, but I decided to write it out in my own words for a clear comprehension in and for my own heart.
Part 1 Chapter I
1. The Holy Scripture is most necessary for me to seek God's wisdom and power, for God to reveal himself to me as I read the Bible and meditate on His writings.
2. The Word of God is written in all the books of the Old and New Testaments.
All which are given by inspirations of God to be the rule of faith and life.
3. I must not seek any other books for authority.
4. The Holy Scriptures are our authority, only the Bible is divine inspiration.
5. I must practice reverence while reading the holy Scripture. My full assurance is in God's Word. It is my divine authority for my own heart.
6. Anything I may need for answers, are in God's Word. I must not add anything to the Scriptures. I must observed and apply the Word of God.
7. All things in the Scriptures are not all easy to understand, but what is clearly written, I must believe in them for my own salvation.
8.The Scriptures can give me hope. The Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, being immediately inspired by God, and, by his singular care and providence, kept pure in all age of time.
9.If I find something that does not make sense of, I must keep searching in the Bible to make full sense of any Scripture, so I can understand more clearly.
10. I am to rest in the Scripture, do not seek no other than the Holy Spirit speaking to me in the Scripture. God will be my judge.
Part 1 Chapter I
1. The Holy Scripture is most necessary for me to seek God's wisdom and power, for God to reveal himself to me as I read the Bible and meditate on His writings.
2. The Word of God is written in all the books of the Old and New Testaments.
All which are given by inspirations of God to be the rule of faith and life.
3. I must not seek any other books for authority.
4. The Holy Scriptures are our authority, only the Bible is divine inspiration.
5. I must practice reverence while reading the holy Scripture. My full assurance is in God's Word. It is my divine authority for my own heart.
6. Anything I may need for answers, are in God's Word. I must not add anything to the Scriptures. I must observed and apply the Word of God.
7. All things in the Scriptures are not all easy to understand, but what is clearly written, I must believe in them for my own salvation.
8.The Scriptures can give me hope. The Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, being immediately inspired by God, and, by his singular care and providence, kept pure in all age of time.
9.If I find something that does not make sense of, I must keep searching in the Bible to make full sense of any Scripture, so I can understand more clearly.
10. I am to rest in the Scripture, do not seek no other than the Holy Spirit speaking to me in the Scripture. God will be my judge.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Who Will Be The Next President?
Friday, November 23, 2007
The Kite Runner

This book was not my choice of books, but that of a friend, who wanted my husband John, being a history fan, to explain the history of Afghanistan. All three of us have yet to meet for our discussion of "Kite Runner".
My thoughts of the book are; this is an easy book to read. Second, the story line must be true, how can anyone think of such things that had happened. Lastly, it is just plain sad how groups can come into a peaceful country and invade with evil, and how terrible it is to live with people side by side and only look upon them as dogs, to do whatever you want with them. It reminds me of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" how the white people looked upon the slaves, or the movie, "Amazing Grace", about the slave trading, which did start from the Middle East.
I think even now a days in my country people judge each other not only what blood line they are from but what choices they choose to live by, but not as severe as in the Middle East. I'm sure thankful for our freedom in the United States of America! I would not want to live in Afghanistan.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
#58 the year I was born, the number of my son, James.
Tonight he plays Costa Mesa, if his team wins they go to play offs. He is very excited today to play and to win the game. We are playing my nephew's school and my old high school "1976" Tonight will be fun and interesting, my Dad and Mother will be routing for both sides......
Pray for no injuries.......
Bloom for the Lord,
Tonight he plays Costa Mesa, if his team wins they go to play offs. He is very excited today to play and to win the game. We are playing my nephew's school and my old high school "1976" Tonight will be fun and interesting, my Dad and Mother will be routing for both sides......
Pray for no injuries.......
Bloom for the Lord,
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"A Spirit Passed before Me"
A spirit passed before me: I beheld
The face of immortality unveiled-
Deep sleep came down on every eye save mine-
And there it stood, - all formless-but divine;
Along my bones the creeping flesh did quake;
And as my damp hair stiffened, thus it spake:
'Is man more just than God? Is man more pure
Than he who deems even seraphs insecure?
Creatures of clay-vain dwellers in the dust?
The moth survives you, and are ye more just?
Things of a day! you wither ere the night,
Heedless and blind to wisdom's wasted light!
Lord Byron (1788-1824)
My new book arrived yesterday. "The One Year Book of Poetry" 365 Devotional readings, based on classic Christian verse. I'm so excited, each day I will be reading an inspiring poem, accompanied by an original devotional that explores important Christian themes and a Scripture reading that ties the poem into God's inspired Word. I'm happy to add another book to my bed side table.
Use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm....Put on the salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Ephesians 6:13, 17
My dear Lord, may I keep my heart ready for you, and may I remember you are walking in front of me. May Your spirit pass through me daily, so that I may be the wife, mother, daughter, sister or friend you want me to be. And as I go about my day, may I bloom for You my Lord. Amen
A spirit passed before me: I beheld
The face of immortality unveiled-
Deep sleep came down on every eye save mine-
And there it stood, - all formless-but divine;
Along my bones the creeping flesh did quake;
And as my damp hair stiffened, thus it spake:
'Is man more just than God? Is man more pure
Than he who deems even seraphs insecure?
Creatures of clay-vain dwellers in the dust?
The moth survives you, and are ye more just?
Things of a day! you wither ere the night,
Heedless and blind to wisdom's wasted light!
Lord Byron (1788-1824)
My new book arrived yesterday. "The One Year Book of Poetry" 365 Devotional readings, based on classic Christian verse. I'm so excited, each day I will be reading an inspiring poem, accompanied by an original devotional that explores important Christian themes and a Scripture reading that ties the poem into God's inspired Word. I'm happy to add another book to my bed side table.
Use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm....Put on the salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Ephesians 6:13, 17
My dear Lord, may I keep my heart ready for you, and may I remember you are walking in front of me. May Your spirit pass through me daily, so that I may be the wife, mother, daughter, sister or friend you want me to be. And as I go about my day, may I bloom for You my Lord. Amen
Sunday, October 14, 2007
And Can It Be That I Should Gain?
"Amazing love! How can it be That thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my god shouldst die for me?"
Today my pastor told a good sermon, to Rejoice! Rejoice! Christ is my life, He set me free!
"No condemnation now I dread, I am my Lord's and He is mine; Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine."
My pastor talked about Barabbas from John 18: 39-40 "The King of the Jews" or "Barabbas"?
Barabbas was a notorious murderer, a violent man, robber, common thief. Pilate wanted Jesus released so Pilate took the most wickedest man, thinking the people for sure would choose Jesus. To the people Barabbas was less threatening to the people than Jesus. Jesus threatens them by convicting them. They chose the murderer, the outlaw.
Barabbas condemned to die walks out Scott free! His story is our story. Barabbas, on death row, ready to die, but was set free! His chains fell off. Barabbas accepted his pardon. Have you accepted HIS pardon? Because if not you will have a death sentence.
"And Can It Be That I Should Gain and interest in the Savior's blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued?" Amazing Love! How can it be That Thou my God shouldst die for Me? "
by Charles Wesley, 1701-1788
Rejoice and bloom for Him,
Today my pastor told a good sermon, to Rejoice! Rejoice! Christ is my life, He set me free!
"No condemnation now I dread, I am my Lord's and He is mine; Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine."
My pastor talked about Barabbas from John 18: 39-40 "The King of the Jews" or "Barabbas"?
Barabbas was a notorious murderer, a violent man, robber, common thief. Pilate wanted Jesus released so Pilate took the most wickedest man, thinking the people for sure would choose Jesus. To the people Barabbas was less threatening to the people than Jesus. Jesus threatens them by convicting them. They chose the murderer, the outlaw.
Barabbas condemned to die walks out Scott free! His story is our story. Barabbas, on death row, ready to die, but was set free! His chains fell off. Barabbas accepted his pardon. Have you accepted HIS pardon? Because if not you will have a death sentence.
"And Can It Be That I Should Gain and interest in the Savior's blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued?" Amazing Love! How can it be That Thou my God shouldst die for Me? "
by Charles Wesley, 1701-1788
Rejoice and bloom for Him,
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Praying for my Children with Scripture
Watch over Daniel, Laura Beth and James' life. Do not slumber or sleep, but keep them from all harm. Watch over their lives, coming and going, both now and forevermore. (PS 121:3-8) Do not let anything separate Daniel, Laura Beth and James from your love. When trouble, hardship, persecution, danger or any need arises, let them remember that we are "more than conquerors," and that nothing can separate them from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom 8:35-39) Cause my children oh Lord, to offer their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to you, Lord. Let them see themselves as a temple of the Holy Spirit, belonging to you, that they might flee from sexual immorality and honor you with their body. (Rom 12:1; 1 Cor 6: 18-20) Do not let my children be led astray by drugs and alcohol. (Prov. 20:1) Hem my darlings in behind and before; place your hand upon them so that wherever they go, and whatever they do, they will be accompanied by your presence. (Ps 139:5-10) Put a new spirit in them. Remove the heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Cause them to follow your decrees and deep your laws. Let they know that they belong to You oh my Jesus, and that you are their God (Ezk 11:19) I pray that my gifts from you will put their trust in You and never be shaken (Ps 125:1) Open my three children's eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Christ. (Acts 26:18) Put people in all three lives, who will gently instruct them; and grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth. Cause them to come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil who has taken them captive to do their own will. (2 Tim 2:25-26) Remove the veil from their eyes so that they can see the light of the gospel. Shine your light in their hearts to give them the light of knowledge of Your glory in the face of Christ (2 Cor 4:4-6)
In Jesus Name Amen.
In Jesus Name Amen.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I'm Still Here
I'm still alive and kicking, just not typing! Today is my team teaching day,we have five students and three wonderful mothers, we start off with Bible, American Literature, then American History. For our three senior girls, we end with Economics.
My heart just told them today; "If you were able to start your own business what would it be?" They loved it, and their young minds began to think what could they do? For homework today, I told them to go home and talk this over with their Father's.
The more I thought what I gave them, the more I thought to have my own home business.
My heart wants to help my husband. What can I do? I'm going to print out Home Business Course For Christian Young Women. By Crystal Paine. This should give us a start.
My heart just told them today; "If you were able to start your own business what would it be?" They loved it, and their young minds began to think what could they do? For homework today, I told them to go home and talk this over with their Father's.
The more I thought what I gave them, the more I thought to have my own home business.
My heart wants to help my husband. What can I do? I'm going to print out Home Business Course For Christian Young Women. By Crystal Paine. This should give us a start.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
God Is In Control
If God gives us just what we need, then doesn't He give us just enough for our homeschooling ideas? I see what others are teaching their children and I see different curriculum suggestions, but this year I want to give my all to what God has provided me with. My own brain! What I see good and pure for my children, and what I see they need to learn, I'm going to precede as God's direction.
I'm going to team teach this year with James and Laura Beth. We are going to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. One Mother's focus will be our Bible class which we will start with. We will pray and sing before her class starts.
My focus will be American Literature, with a goal to instill the love of reading. Our third Mother will focus on American History, she will also have a list of books for our students to read, and many essay requirements for our five students.
At home, James and Laura Beth will do their Mathematics and Spanish every morning. This year I'm using for the first time the Rosetta Stone. I still need to look that over and see how this will work for us.
Science will be with a home class taught by a Mother who loves Biology and Anatomy. This class will be on Fridays. Leaving our Mondays and Wednesdays free for field trips etc.
As for sports; James, will be playing football for Calvary Chapel Private School for the fall and his winter sport will be rugby. Laura Beth my daughter, will be in AYSO soccer. (she has played since she was five, her Daddy played for Liverpool, England, allowing his daughter to try soccer at a young age but she hasn't wanted to stop!)
One more week of preparing and organizing my home before my school year begins. I picked up an old favorite book of mine. "More Hours In My Day" by Emilie Barnes to organize my cleaning habits again. I will miss gardening almost everyday, at the same time I'm looking forward to home teaching and being on a schedule again.
My prayer is for my husband to keep healthy and for me to have good meals for him when he comes home from work each day and for my children's safety with sports and my own brain to be used for God to teach all my children for His glory.
I must bloom in my own body for my Creator!
I'm going to team teach this year with James and Laura Beth. We are going to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. One Mother's focus will be our Bible class which we will start with. We will pray and sing before her class starts.
My focus will be American Literature, with a goal to instill the love of reading. Our third Mother will focus on American History, she will also have a list of books for our students to read, and many essay requirements for our five students.
At home, James and Laura Beth will do their Mathematics and Spanish every morning. This year I'm using for the first time the Rosetta Stone. I still need to look that over and see how this will work for us.
Science will be with a home class taught by a Mother who loves Biology and Anatomy. This class will be on Fridays. Leaving our Mondays and Wednesdays free for field trips etc.
As for sports; James, will be playing football for Calvary Chapel Private School for the fall and his winter sport will be rugby. Laura Beth my daughter, will be in AYSO soccer. (she has played since she was five, her Daddy played for Liverpool, England, allowing his daughter to try soccer at a young age but she hasn't wanted to stop!)
One more week of preparing and organizing my home before my school year begins. I picked up an old favorite book of mine. "More Hours In My Day" by Emilie Barnes to organize my cleaning habits again. I will miss gardening almost everyday, at the same time I'm looking forward to home teaching and being on a schedule again.
My prayer is for my husband to keep healthy and for me to have good meals for him when he comes home from work each day and for my children's safety with sports and my own brain to be used for God to teach all my children for His glory.
I must bloom in my own body for my Creator!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
American Literature
I am organizing my home school/team teaching for American Literature. I chose twenty books for my team teaching group with James and Laura Beth to read. It will be approximately two books a month. I divided each book into categories of fiction, classic, biography, mystery, comedy, poetry, fairy tales, and religious. My goal is to see my children enjoy reading and to journal their reflections, thus giving coherence to one's thoughts. The use of a reading journal also promotes good writing skills. Here is my list of books for American Literature school year 2007-2008:
Just David by E.H. Proter
Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski
Dr. Jenner and the speckled Monster
The Crown of Fire by William C. Newsom
A Girl of the Limberlost by G. Stratton Porter
Little Britches by Ralph Moody
The Birds' Christmas Carol by K.D. Wiggin
Crocodile on the Sand Bank by Elizabeth Peters
Shadow Children (Boxed Set)
Joel a boy of Gailee by A.F. Johnston
The Hidden Hand by Mrs. Eden Southworth
A Little Servant by Grace Livingston Hill
Penrod by Booth Tarkington
Hidden Rainbow by Carol
Scout by Piet Prins
The Master Key by L. Frank Baum
George Washington Carver (Sower Series)
Mark of the Lion Volumes 1-3 by F.Rivers
As for Vocabulary Words: They will find the words as they read through the material. Then, define or identify the words according to the way they are used in the text. It is especially important to note the part of speech that the word plays in the sentence.
Projects: Each will design their own project along the lines of his own interests. Since I will be teaching three other students along with Laura Beth and James, it will be fun to present these projects in front of an audience even if it is their Dads and siblings. We will have a pot luck dinner and present our projects.
I know I will bloom for the Lord in this class of five students, talking about good books and sharing their collected thoughts inspired by American Authors.
Just David by E.H. Proter
Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski
Dr. Jenner and the speckled Monster
The Crown of Fire by William C. Newsom
A Girl of the Limberlost by G. Stratton Porter
Little Britches by Ralph Moody
The Birds' Christmas Carol by K.D. Wiggin
Crocodile on the Sand Bank by Elizabeth Peters
Shadow Children (Boxed Set)
Joel a boy of Gailee by A.F. Johnston
The Hidden Hand by Mrs. Eden Southworth
A Little Servant by Grace Livingston Hill
Penrod by Booth Tarkington
Hidden Rainbow by Carol
Scout by Piet Prins
The Master Key by L. Frank Baum
George Washington Carver (Sower Series)
Mark of the Lion Volumes 1-3 by F.Rivers
As for Vocabulary Words: They will find the words as they read through the material. Then, define or identify the words according to the way they are used in the text. It is especially important to note the part of speech that the word plays in the sentence.
Projects: Each will design their own project along the lines of his own interests. Since I will be teaching three other students along with Laura Beth and James, it will be fun to present these projects in front of an audience even if it is their Dads and siblings. We will have a pot luck dinner and present our projects.
I know I will bloom for the Lord in this class of five students, talking about good books and sharing their collected thoughts inspired by American Authors.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Union Station

We took a train ride with our visitors from Gibraltar. Our destination Olvera Street, and China Town. John and I sat separate from our friends because the train was full of summer travelers. We enjoyed a cookie and coffee while holding hands and looking out the window, for our one hour train ride. We arrived in Los Angeles, at the Union Station, which is just opposite of our destination Olvera Street.
The Union Station was built in 1939 and is known as the "Last of the Great Railway Stations" built in the United States. I was amazed at the architecture of the building, with Art Deco Lights and travertine marble mixed with terra cotta tiles. I felt like I was in a film and I tried to pretend there was a film going on. The station originally served the Santa Fe Railway, Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific.
We traveled with our son James, and our nephew Tyler, along with our friends Tim and Carla, and their two sons. All of us had a great time being together seeing Mexican Dancers and exploring and shopping, on a hot summer's day. I purchased a leather purse from Olvera Street, for $6.00, and in China Town, I purchased a China Hat, (cone shaped) for my back yard gardening for $2.00.
Today, our friends left Southern California. We gave our hugs and good byes this morning. Fun memories will be remembered, and we were grateful to have spent time together after being apart for sixteen years!
Bloom for the Lord,
The Union Station was built in 1939 and is known as the "Last of the Great Railway Stations" built in the United States. I was amazed at the architecture of the building, with Art Deco Lights and travertine marble mixed with terra cotta tiles. I felt like I was in a film and I tried to pretend there was a film going on. The station originally served the Santa Fe Railway, Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific.
We traveled with our son James, and our nephew Tyler, along with our friends Tim and Carla, and their two sons. All of us had a great time being together seeing Mexican Dancers and exploring and shopping, on a hot summer's day. I purchased a leather purse from Olvera Street, for $6.00, and in China Town, I purchased a China Hat, (cone shaped) for my back yard gardening for $2.00.
Today, our friends left Southern California. We gave our hugs and good byes this morning. Fun memories will be remembered, and we were grateful to have spent time together after being apart for sixteen years!
Bloom for the Lord,
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Gibraltar, a Rock island with more than a thousand years of history. The majestic Rock, faces the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea, is a wonderful place that offers a unique blend of heritage and culture. The Rock Apes are perhaps the best of Gibraltar's attractions.
We have friends visiting us for two weeks from Gibraltar. Our friends, Tim and Carla and their two sons are a a unique blend as well. Tim is from England, and his beautiful Spanish wife Carla, born and raised in Gibraltar. They have two sons, Nicholas, 15 years old and Christopher, 14 years old. My son James, 15 years old has been a good host, giving the boys his room and showing them around our neighborhood. My daughter Laura Beth, has graciously given up her room for Tim and Carla. They are comfortable and happy to be in the United States of America.
For their holiday they came to see the Spanish history here in California, while visiting and exploring the Missions up and down the coast of California. They are currently visiting the San Juan Capistrano Mission.
Tim and my husband John are having a nice time reminiscing and talking about the history of Gibraltar. "The Great Siege Tunnels" Excavated by the British army, these tunnels form part of the most impressive defence system anywhere. Interesting story about the Great Siege of 1779-83. They can go all night talking about World War II Tunnels as well. My husband loves to talk about history, he is full of information.
One day I will write about my John's collection of impressive soldiers of all different wars from all around the world. These little tiny soldiers make up most of our office room.
Tomorrow, I want to share about the extraordinary species of trees in Gibraltar.
Bloom where you are planted.
We have friends visiting us for two weeks from Gibraltar. Our friends, Tim and Carla and their two sons are a a unique blend as well. Tim is from England, and his beautiful Spanish wife Carla, born and raised in Gibraltar. They have two sons, Nicholas, 15 years old and Christopher, 14 years old. My son James, 15 years old has been a good host, giving the boys his room and showing them around our neighborhood. My daughter Laura Beth, has graciously given up her room for Tim and Carla. They are comfortable and happy to be in the United States of America.
For their holiday they came to see the Spanish history here in California, while visiting and exploring the Missions up and down the coast of California. They are currently visiting the San Juan Capistrano Mission.
Tim and my husband John are having a nice time reminiscing and talking about the history of Gibraltar. "The Great Siege Tunnels" Excavated by the British army, these tunnels form part of the most impressive defence system anywhere. Interesting story about the Great Siege of 1779-83. They can go all night talking about World War II Tunnels as well. My husband loves to talk about history, he is full of information.
One day I will write about my John's collection of impressive soldiers of all different wars from all around the world. These little tiny soldiers make up most of our office room.
Tomorrow, I want to share about the extraordinary species of trees in Gibraltar.
Bloom where you are planted.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
My Back Garden

Bloom where you are planted. I'm going to plant myself right on my day bed outside, and read "Deception" by Randy Alcorn
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Love-in-a-Mist is a hardy annual with very fine, threadlike foliage and charming 1.5-inch flowers at the end of each branch. An excellent cut flower it also forms interesting horned seed capsules, which are beautiful in dried arrangements. Comes into bloom very quickly.
I'm going to plant these seeds my husband brought home for me. Tomorrow, I will plant them in good soil for my garden to have love in the mist. I love my husband and I love the name of these pretty flowers.
As I said before I am new to the blog world, so please stand by, I'm going to try and see if I can get a picture from the Internet. Yeah, I did it!
Bloom for the Lord,
Thursday, August 2, 2007

My daughter Laura Beth is at the West Coast World Views Conference in Santa Cruz this week. It's a conference for high school/college Christians who are eager to deepen their faith. Laura Beth text messaged me today saying she is having a good time just maybe a little sleep deprived. This was the first time she traveled alone on an airplane up to San Jose. She was picked up by Molly Wagner, Pastor Wagner's daughter. She stayed with them one night and then she went on to stay at the University of Santa Cruz. I am anxious to hear all about her time meeting new friends and how the speakers were. She did say on one of her messages Abshire was her favorite speaker. Thank you Carmen for posting the WCWC on your blog. My precious daughter is there!
The mission of the WCWC is:
"That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head-Christ-from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love" (Ephesians 4:14-16).
The mission of the WCWC is:
"That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head-Christ-from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love" (Ephesians 4:14-16).
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
New to the Blogging World
I am new to the blogging world, this is how it all began; last October 2006, I was looking for some good books to purchase for my fourteen year old at the time to read. Looking on Vision Forum's site, I linked to Buried Treasure Books and I have been hooked ever since. I didn't purchase any books, I just read and read for myself, what a wonderful ministry!
Now I'm trying to blog for myself, this may take me awhile to learn the new technical tricks but I'm ready to tackle my new adventure. I want to journal what I'm doing in the garden and to share my thoughts. I do not have a digital camera, but another new blogger friend, Brenda at Coffee Tea Books and Me said she uses her disposable camera and puts her pictures on CD. I just dropped off two cameras at Walmart they will be ready on Sunday. I can't wait to try and show you pictures of my garden and home.
Now I'm trying to blog for myself, this may take me awhile to learn the new technical tricks but I'm ready to tackle my new adventure. I want to journal what I'm doing in the garden and to share my thoughts. I do not have a digital camera, but another new blogger friend, Brenda at Coffee Tea Books and Me said she uses her disposable camera and puts her pictures on CD. I just dropped off two cameras at Walmart they will be ready on Sunday. I can't wait to try and show you pictures of my garden and home.
A few days ago my husband came home with an Epiphyllum from a friend at the office.
I planted it in my shaded area in my garden. Epiphyllum means "upon the leaf" in Greek. There are 19 species of epiphytic plants in the cactus family. These are native to Central America. The stems are broad and flat. The flowers are large white to red. The fruit is edible very similar to the pitaya fruit. Epiphyllums are very popular house plants. Kingdom: Plantae, Family: Cactaceae. An easily cultivated, fast growing epiphyte, needs compost containing plenty of humus and sufficient moisture in the summer. Should not be kept under 12 degrees Celsius or 53 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter. Can be grown in semi shad or full sun. Extra light in the early spring will stimulate budding flowers in late spring or early summer. I will post a picture when I get my film developed.
I planted it in my shaded area in my garden. Epiphyllum means "upon the leaf" in Greek. There are 19 species of epiphytic plants in the cactus family. These are native to Central America. The stems are broad and flat. The flowers are large white to red. The fruit is edible very similar to the pitaya fruit. Epiphyllums are very popular house plants. Kingdom: Plantae, Family: Cactaceae. An easily cultivated, fast growing epiphyte, needs compost containing plenty of humus and sufficient moisture in the summer. Should not be kept under 12 degrees Celsius or 53 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter. Can be grown in semi shad or full sun. Extra light in the early spring will stimulate budding flowers in late spring or early summer. I will post a picture when I get my film developed.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Little Bit of Heaven Here on Earth
I have one apple tree in my garden, I planted it in 1989. Every July this tree is ready for harvesting clusters of apples. If I do not pick some while riping in each little cluster the apples fall off before their ready. If I had a camera I would take a picture of my litte apple tree. I planted this tree in the name of my Grandpa Coke, he passed away in 1988. I planted an orange tree in the name of my Father-in-Law, Frank French in 1995. I planted a grapefruit tree in the name of my Father Camden Sheffner. But today I want to share about my one little apple tree and how much pleasure God's creation can bring and how life shared with others can bring a little bit of heaven.
Saturday the 7Th of July 2007, my Mother and I started to make apple butter. It was a pleasant afternoon, while Mom and I were pealing apples my Father picked some more! They just kept coming and coming.
My John, my teddy bear, sat reading and enjoying the back garden, while we were peeling many apples. Around 4:30PM we had some tea and a piece of walnut-cherry pie. Dessert before dinner is always fun. My sister Renee stopped by to say hello and she brought over her cool apple peeler. (I must get one of those). My precious niece Cherise had a cup of tea too.
The recipe I used I found on a blog Patchwork of Blessings. I put all my apples in my large roaster and added raw sugar, cinnamon and cloves. Left it on the counter over night. In the morning the smell was wonderful. There I go again how much I love delightful smells.
The following day was Sunday. After church my Mom came over again with her food processor and the canning began. We made fifteen jars of apple butter. I enjoyed my time with my Mother, being with her brings love to my soul, she makes me feel young again. Memories always come to mine while I am with her and loving her. A little bit of heaven again to enjoy and relax.
Sunday is suppose to be a day of rest I know, but in our own little way it was; we put all our troubles away, we canned and we talked about God. How God is Eternal Life, how to know Him is to read His word and enjoy His apples He created. My mom loves to share His word with me. "For no other foundation can lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ."
1 Corinthians 3:11
I love my apple tree, I love when the flowers blossom, when the apples start to grow my heart feels the sweet pleasure from this little apple tree, a little bit of heaven here on earth.
Love to you all.
Queen Bee
Saturday the 7Th of July 2007, my Mother and I started to make apple butter. It was a pleasant afternoon, while Mom and I were pealing apples my Father picked some more! They just kept coming and coming.
My John, my teddy bear, sat reading and enjoying the back garden, while we were peeling many apples. Around 4:30PM we had some tea and a piece of walnut-cherry pie. Dessert before dinner is always fun. My sister Renee stopped by to say hello and she brought over her cool apple peeler. (I must get one of those). My precious niece Cherise had a cup of tea too.
The recipe I used I found on a blog Patchwork of Blessings. I put all my apples in my large roaster and added raw sugar, cinnamon and cloves. Left it on the counter over night. In the morning the smell was wonderful. There I go again how much I love delightful smells.
The following day was Sunday. After church my Mom came over again with her food processor and the canning began. We made fifteen jars of apple butter. I enjoyed my time with my Mother, being with her brings love to my soul, she makes me feel young again. Memories always come to mine while I am with her and loving her. A little bit of heaven again to enjoy and relax.
Sunday is suppose to be a day of rest I know, but in our own little way it was; we put all our troubles away, we canned and we talked about God. How God is Eternal Life, how to know Him is to read His word and enjoy His apples He created. My mom loves to share His word with me. "For no other foundation can lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ."
1 Corinthians 3:11
I love my apple tree, I love when the flowers blossom, when the apples start to grow my heart feels the sweet pleasure from this little apple tree, a little bit of heaven here on earth.
Love to you all.
Queen Bee
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Angels Watching Over Me
I remember singing a lullaby to my daughter sweetly singing "Angels Watching Over Me" Today, Laura Beth was hit by a drunk driver, she had three friends in the car. Laura was at a stop light when the driver ran into her full speed, pushing her car through the intersection and beyond. The car is totaled, after hours at the emergency all girls are okay,they will be sore tomorrow. It's a miracle they came out of the car. As LB and I gave thanks to God, for keeping all girls alive and safe, we prayed for the drunk driver, thanking God for sparing his life as well. "Angels Were Watching Over My Daughter" God was watching.
God has plans for her for His purspose.
Thank you God for giving her a chance again. Oh Thank you....My darling daughter, is so precious to me. Be with her tonight as she sleeps. May she be alright.
God has plans for her for His purspose.
Thank you God for giving her a chance again. Oh Thank you....My darling daughter, is so precious to me. Be with her tonight as she sleeps. May she be alright.
Monday, June 11, 2007
I am getting ready for a tea party this Saturday of twenty to twenty five lovely ladies for my friend Gigi. She has a design class where her students design a dress from the creations of famous artists. There will be a fashion show in October.
This morning after I watered my garden, I read: Isaiah 58:11
"The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose water never fail."
Then in Isaiah 5:7
"The vineyard of the Lord Almighty is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the garden of his delight."
This verse made me jump for joy, like johnny jump ups. My garden delights me so when I work hard in it and when I'm anxious to wake up each morning for some delight of a new flower. We are His garden of delight. I must remember this today and perk up even though I'm going through some hard times with family. I want to be His garden of delight.
Bloom for the Lord,
This morning after I watered my garden, I read: Isaiah 58:11
"The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose water never fail."
Then in Isaiah 5:7
"The vineyard of the Lord Almighty is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the garden of his delight."
This verse made me jump for joy, like johnny jump ups. My garden delights me so when I work hard in it and when I'm anxious to wake up each morning for some delight of a new flower. We are His garden of delight. I must remember this today and perk up even though I'm going through some hard times with family. I want to be His garden of delight.
Bloom for the Lord,
Monday, June 4, 2007
Meandering In My Garden
Today in my garden, my darling husband and I had breakfast out on our patio. After our coffee, I fed my roses and my fruit trees. I love being in my garden and watching all my plants grow. A few months ago I planted seeds around my shaded area and they are starting to show through, soon there will be a variety of different flowers showing their happy faces. My darling Laura, planted some sunflowers seeds a few weeks ago, they sure are growing in fast. I need to water my grass a few more times this afternoon, so I can fertilize my grass early tomorrow morning. My Lavender smells nice and I'm trying to get Jasmine to grow for the sweet smell. I love a variety of fragrances in the garden, that's why my nickname is Queen Bee. I'm meandering in my garden smelling the sweet fragrances God gave my flowers.
Song of Solomon 4:16 "Awake, O north wind, And come, wind of the south; Make my garden breathe out fragrance, Let its spices be wrafted abroad. May my beloved come into his garden And eat its choice fruits!"
Song of Solomon 4:16 "Awake, O north wind, And come, wind of the south; Make my garden breathe out fragrance, Let its spices be wrafted abroad. May my beloved come into his garden And eat its choice fruits!"
This is my first post, I do not know how to add pictures yet. I will learn because I want to share my garden with you.
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